Saying Goodbye — KC England Photography | Spokane Photographer

HS Senior Photo Sessions open for booking on 2/3/25 at 9am.

Saying Goodbye

My family gathered this past Sunday morning to honor and celebrate the life of Barbara Ellen Johnson. Known to me as my sweet Grandma Barbie. She passed away in October at the age of 97. She lived near Edmonds Beach and it was one of her most favorite places in the world - the perfect place for us to gather in her memory. We shared stories. We laughed. We cried. We prayed. And we said goodbye. She was an incredible woman and lived life to the fullest! Married to my Grandpa for 68 years, an amazing mother of 3 (and mother-in-law to 3), a grandma to 7 (+7 spouses), and great grandma to 16. Altogether there are 36 of us! My grandma loved her family with great intention. She always made you feel special and important and gave away her most precious gift to each one of us...her time. She always made time for you. 

Without a doubt, she is dancing up in Heaven in my Grandpa's arms at this very moment. I'm willing to bet that "I just want to dance with you" by George Strait is playing in the background. :-)

She will be deeply missed. What a legacy she left. 

Love you so very much Grandma! xo