Isn’t it amazing how God just opens your heart and allows it to grow 10,000 times when you have a baby? Almost as if you didn’t even know it was possible to love someone this much. And then you have baby #2 and He does it again! I have watched my dear friend, Ginny, plan and prepare for the arrival of her baby boy, Copeland, this past year and I have loved every minute. From conversations and prayer (long before she was even expecting) to baby showers and maternity photos, it has been such a blessing to be by her side. Ginny & Gabe are two of the most loving and intentional parents I know. I just couldn’t be happier for this sweet little growing family!
Before you scroll down to his newborn session, I included a few of my favorites from her maternity session!

And a few from his birth. So tiny and new!
And his official newborn session took place on his 7th day of life! Love!