Crew Edward | Newborn Home Session

Baby Crew made his debut a few days early and picked Valentine's Day for his birthday! I have known Angie and Conn for many years and I know this sweet babe has been deeply prayed over. I think big brother, Cooper, was the most excited about his arrival. Cooper is a 9 year old Golden Retriever and he was right next to little Crew following us from room to room during the entire newborn shoot. Angie is a PE teacher and was going to spin and barre classes right up until the week before Crew was born - she is a ROCK STAR! Conn is a physical therapist and loves to play the guitar. And after 11 years of marriage, I know Conn and Angie are over the moon about adding to their family! Congratulations - I am so thrilled for you!

KC England Photography is located in Spokane, WA and serves family, senior, and wedding clients.