Within a few minutes of sending off this gallery, I received this text from Mandi...
I am just in love! You really did capture Harper's little personality. I love all her real smiles where you can see that she is just giggling and having a great time. I can't wait to schedule another session with. You always do amazing work!
This just made my day! Thank you Mandi, Brandon, and Harper! I loved seeing you all again and I can't wait to watch your family grow! Baby #2 arriving in September 2016!

See more of this darling family:
Harper | One Year
Harper | Newborn
Mandi & Brandon | Expecting Harper
KC England Photography is located in Spokane, WA and serves clients in Spokane and surrounding areas.
Sweet Ava James was born 10 weeks early and had a very scary first few months of life (read more about her story here) which makes this FIRST BIRTHDAY session so incredibly special!
Little Miss Penny will be celebrating her first birthday in June!
How is it possible that today you are ONE and yet it seems like just yesterday I was doing your newborn session?!
This little one showed up in her eyelet dress, floral crown, and teeny tiny denim jacket and well, let's just say that I was ready to take her home with me!
This sweet little lady turned ONE this summer!