Newborn Photography Session | Spokane, WA

Baby Callan

KC England Photography, Spokane, WA

Carissa and Brett have lived in Illinois for their whole lives, but recently moved to Washington for Brett's job. They arrived in June with their 2 year old son, family dog, and 6 months along with baby #2! Believe it or not, they managed to fit in a mini kitchen remodel all before they delivered their second son, Callan, in September. Talk about BRAVE!! Carissa mentioned that the move has been a welcome change and they are especially enjoying the different landscape after living in the flat lands of Illinois. They love to travel, try out new restaurants, and stay active as a family. And now with TWO BOYS, I don't think this family will have any trouble staying active! Congrats Thiele family - Callan is just precious!

KC England Photography is located in Spokane, WA and serves family, senior, and wedding clients.