Huntington Park

Keegan | Class of 2015

Keegan is quite the character! He had a little too much fun with his senior questionnaire (see answers below!). He says he was “raised by a pack of wolves” – but I met his parents (and brother) during the session and I would have to disagree! You will most likely find him on his snowboard up at Mt. Spokane this winter and he is hoping to attend WSU after he graduates. I am not taking his less-than-enthusiastic answers to heart, because under that cool exterior is a big sweetheart! Have a fabulous senior year!

Keegan's thoughts...

I was…raised by a pack of wolves.

I am…2 cul 4 skul.

I think…this whole thing is stupid.

I wish…I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl and if I did I would call her.

I (can’t) save…my brother from his stupidity.

I always…clean behind my ears.

I can’t imagine…wasting another minute of my life writing this.

I believe…I can fly.

I promise…to never do this again.

I love…long walks on the beach.

Keegan, Summer 2014